News Item Pt 3

A. Definition of News Item

News item text is a text which informs readers about events are considered
newsworthy or important.

B. Purpose of News Item

News Item Text is used to inform readers about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important.

C. Generic Structure of News Item

• Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.

• Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom,
in what circumstance

• Resource of Information (Source) : it contains comments by participants in,
witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

D. Language Feature of News Item

• Focusing on circumstances (using a simple language in writing the text)

• Using saying verbs: “....”, She said, informed, told, reported.

• Sometimes at the beginning of news, the scene is mentioned : Jakarta – ... .. /

• Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that until now
still happen or still in the form of fact, then can use simple present tense.

• Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline

• Using adverbs: time, place and manner.

• Uses of material processes to retell the event

Choose 1 news from any media and Write the explanation about your it in your blog!

Police in Western Australia have charged a 36-year-old man in relation to the disappearance of 4-year-old Cleo Smith, who went missing from a campsite on October 16 and was finally found this week after a highly publicized search.

The man, who was identified by Australia's public broadcaster as Terence Kelly, was charged with various offenses including "forcibly taking a child under 16."

He appeared in Carnavon court on Thursday afternoon, according to a police in Carnarvon, a town in the state of Western Australia, some 30 miles from the campsite where she was apparently abducted close to three weeks ago.

Her whereabouts had gripped Australia for several days as concern grew over her welfare. Police said Cleo was found in a room in the house with the lights on, awake and playing with toys; they are yet to interview the girl, but specialists have arrived in Carnarvon from Perth to do so.

"One of the officers picked her up into his arms and asked her, 'What's your name?' She said: 'My name is Cleo,'" Deputy Commissioner Col Blanch said in a statement.

Police also released audio of the moment she was found, in which Cleo confirms her name to officers.

Before charging the suspect, police said they believed he acted alone and "spontaneously." The man was arrested on Wednesday and had been taken to hospital after self-harming while in police custody, Western Australia Police said.

Speaking to Perth radio station 6PR, Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde described the suspect's injuries as "not life threatening." He subsequently returned to a police station in Carnarvon and was cooperating with inquiries, Wilde told a later news conference.

On Thursday, Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan said he met with Cleo and her family, describing her as "very well adjusted, considering (her ordeal)."

"She has done a bit of sleeping and a lot of eating, a lot of lying around and cuddling," McGowan said.

Detective Superintendent Wilde said Cleo had also been checked out at the hospital, and "physically she is OK."

Cleo's mother Ellie Smith celebrated her return on Instagram on Wednesday, writing "our family is whole again," alongside a smiling picture of her young daughter.

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